Sector and AuSAE News

  • 10 Apr 2013 8:08 PM | Deleted user

    From the Social Inclusion Unit. The Government has released the draft Code of Best Practice for Engagement with the not-for-profit sector (Engagement Code) for public consultation. Interested parties are invited to comment on the Engagement Code. This Engagement Code will be a practical reference tool for Commonwealth public servants and will strengthen engagement practices between the Government and NFP organisations. The Minister for Social Inclusion, the Hon Mark Butler MP, released the Engagement Code for consultation on 18 March 2013 to mark the third anniversary of the National Compact: working together. A copy of the draft Engagement Code and Media Release can be found at Submissions on the draft Engagement Code can be received until 29 April 2013.

  • 19 Mar 2013 9:57 AM | Deleted user
    Well here we are in March already and half way through the first round of lunches featuring our new Executive Officer speaking on her latest paper, Membership is Dead? The numbers at these functions have been extraordinary! There are still four lunches to go in New Zealand and Australia and most of them are fully booked out.

    When I took over AuSAE last year I knew the reputation it had in the past and now that we have appointed Belinda and her team it seems we awakened a sleeping giant.

    The enormous amount of work done by Simon Prior in the past, building the foundations and bringing Australia and New Zealand together, has paid off and now with the new wave of hard work and energy being supplied by Belinda and the SMS team we are taking off big time.

    Membership has really increased, activity is high and all the work done to bring on the CAE and other education modules is paying off. There are plenty of reason to be a member now, but mostly, for me at least, it’s to be with others who live the same working life I do, managing up as well as down.

    So next we have a few more goals to achieve, they are:
    • To collate the history of the society
    • To build a strong and well supported advocacy system to represent the NFP sector to Governments
    • To build international links
    So if you feel you can help please contact me and we’ll have a talk about a fantastic future for AuSAE.

    Tony Steven
    AuSAE President and CEO of AMA Tasmania
    Ph: 03 6223 2047,
  • 05 Mar 2013 11:13 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The new Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission is asking the sector for feedback on requirements for annual financial reports under their new framework. This will eventually affect all NFP’s. The  Act 2012 (ACNC Act) implements a new reporting framework for entities registered with the ACNC and reporting requirements under the Act are proportional to the size of registered entities, based on a revenue threshold. There are three tiers for small, medium and large registered entities. These are noted below (Please email us if you would like to view the DRAFT – EXPLANATORY MATERIAL). Do you believe that revenue is the best way to do this? Please let us know.

    • A small registered entity is an entity with annual revenue of less than $250,000.
    • A medium registered entity is an entity with annual revenue of $250,000 or more and less than $1 million.
    • A large registered entity is an entity with annual revenue of $1 million or more.
  • 05 Mar 2013 10:47 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    One of the biggest frustrations for Australian and New Zealand association executives is the lack of Australasian specific benchmarking information. AuSAE is delighted to be partnering with Survey Matters to deliver the "Associations Matter: 2013 State of the Sector Study" that will finally provide this long sought data. We encourage everyone to take part in this ground-breaking survey into professional associations in Australia and New Zealand. Click here for more information.

  • 07 Feb 2013 5:28 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    The Gillard Government has announced that the 2011-12 Budget measure "Better Targeting of NFP Tax Concessions" will now commence from 1 July 2014. "The Government is committed to working closely with the NFP sector to ensure that any taxation or regulatory changes are designed effectively and with a strong focus on the future of the sector and the needs of the community," Assistant Treasurer, David Bradbury MP said. Click here for more information.


  • 07 Feb 2013 5:05 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    AuSAE Victoria has taken the first step in meeting the career needs of Young Association Professionals (YAP). An informal networking function was held in the Melbourne CBD at the Coopers Inn on Thursday 29th November 2012 to launch the new initiative. With its own function space, the 30 registered attendees enjoyed a few drinks while expanding their network with other professionals from a wide range of careers within the Association sector.  


    “It’s a great initiative to start the Young Association Professionals. I met some fantastic people at the event who I have since been back in contact with who have been invaluable when I’ve needed specific industry advise. You could sense on the night that everyone is happy to network and help each other” said Liana Slussareef of the Australian Booksellers Association. 


    AuSAE Victoria is now developing a YAP taskforce committee to structure regular YAP events throughout 2013 and members will be informed of the next event shortly. AuSAE is dedicated to bringing together the new generation of Association professionals to lead in the development of professional, competent association managers and has recently added a Young Association Professional category to its membership structure. AuSAE will be working to expand the geographic regions of its YAP events.


  • 05 Feb 2013 12:30 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    Over the next few weeks AuSAE will be running networking lunches in Melbourne, Perth, Wellington, Hobart and Adelaide. We invite you to join other senior management professionals from associations, charities and other non-profits for a scrumptious meal, high level networking, and a presentation from our guest speaker. Click here to download the offline booking form.


    Membership is Dead?


    A number of powerful generational, cultural and economic forces are colliding to create a perfect storm that will make the next 5-20 years some of the toughest ever faced by associations. Associations who don’t adapt face a slow decline into obscurity as they are replaced by newer, more innovative, less bureaucratically challenged, less change resistant competitors. While the idea of membership will continue, the antiquated models of recruiting, retaining and engaging members cannot survive in an increasingly challenging and ever-changing operating environment. Belinda Moore, Australasia's top membership specialist, will provide insights into the forces creating this change and how to adapt to them.

  • 04 Feb 2013 10:47 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    Better Boards Australasia is undertaking the 2012/2013 Non-Profit Board Member Remuneration Survey in order to better understand the prevalence of Board Remuneration in the non-profit sector, as well as the thoughts and opinions that exist on this topic within the sector. We encourage your board to participate in this survey irrespective of whether they are paid or un-paid as the goal is to map trends emerging in this area. The closing date of the survey is 28 February 2013. Click here to participate.

  • 04 Feb 2013 10:46 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    BDO is undertaking a survey to give not-for-profit organisations the opportunity to have their say about the tax concession reform options proposed by the Government, and join their peers in giving the sector a strong and united voice to drive meaningful reform. The survey closes on 8 February 2013. Click here to participate.

  • 04 Feb 2013 10:46 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

    Brisbane Marketing is running an event to showcase Brisbane to association event planners on March 14-15. If your role includes arranging or influencing conferences, and you are interested in checking out what Brisbane has to offer, then we invite you to register your interest today. Successful registrants will receive: return economy class airfare from your home city to Brisbane, overnight accommodation for one night, all meals and transfers as part of the famil itinerary (two days) and a site inspection of various hotels and venues. Click here to register your interest.

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

Contact us:

Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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